Genius, Stories from Childhood & Reading
February 09, 2022
The fundamental belief at Wonder is that “each child is a genius.” Sadly, this belief sets us apart from other educational institutions.
Parent Tools
February 09, 2022
The fundamental belief at Wonder is that “each child is a genius.” Sadly, this belief sets us apart from other educational institutions.
February 02, 2022
If I can let go of my agendas for my children (ie, what I want them to accomplish, how I want them to behave and even to look like) then I am free to be fascinated by who they are and who they were meant to be. With this mindset, I go from wishing they were more athletic or more musical or more intellectual to yearning to know them more deeply.
December 23, 2021
There will be days when your child is really struggling. And the healthiest involvement is leaning in, being quiet, listening and telling them "I trust you can work this out."
December 09, 2021
At Wonder, we believe parents are the central guides, heroes and experts in each child’s learning journey. And we believe parents need to check this power carefully so the journey continues to be the child’s very own and not what we wish it to be.
December 01, 2021
Conflicts don’t need to be volatile and negative; they can lead to increased understanding and creative thinking. It’s how we deal with conflict that determines the outcome.